Reducing Drunken Drivers on the Road
In addition to active DWI enforcement by road patrol deputies, the Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office has specific units assigned to the detection and arrest of drivers who are under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. The efforts of these officers and all law enforcement agencies play a key role in reducing the number of drunken drivers on our county's roadways.
The DWI Patrol continued to participate in the ongoing New York State Safe and Sober Campaigns. Mock Accidents & Community EducationIn addition to the enforcement role of the DWI Patrol, they continued to work on prevention efforts. They assisted in presenting five DWI mock accidents to county high school students. An ongoing effort has continued to make presentations to Chautauqua County Drivers Education programs regarding the hazards of Drunk and Drugged driving.
A week of instruction is conducted for the Chautauqua County Sheriffs Academy on the effects of alcohol on the body and the proper administration of standardized field sobriety tests.
Radar Units & Breath Testing:
Along with the enforcement and educational duties, the unit is responsible for the certification of the radar units and breath testing equipment used by local law enforcement in Chautauqua County. This requires two trips with the equipment to the Bureau of Municipal Police, Albany, New York for certification and provides for a minimal time the equipment is out of service. The unit provides additional support to local law enforcement by distributing the necessary supplies needed to keep their units operational.

Committed to do what’s right!
"As Sheriff, one of my personal priorities is to remove intoxicated drivers from our highways. During my law enforcement career I have witnessed countless tragedies at the hands of drunk drivers. The senseless act of driving under the influence kills and maims tens of thousands of people in our country each year"