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Snowmobile - Local Laws
LL #1 of 2001 Sec 3 b - No operation on streets in Village Except – High st trail to Mays Tavern / Alden Rd tracks to Maple av/ Burnham Sec 3 d - No oper. in Village between 11pm -9am weekdays and 1am -9am sat/ sun Sec 3 e - Max speed limit in village is 10 MPH Sec 3 b- NO Operation on sidewalks
Cherry Creek
Snowmobiles are not to use any village streets
Riding on sidewalks is prohibited
Operating Hours:
9:00 am - 11:00 pm Sunday - Thursday
9:00am - 1:00 am Friday – Saturday
LL#1 of 2014
Section 5-1 No operation on any Town Highway between 11pm and 9am except on Friday/Saturday hours are extended to 1am.
Section 5-2 Unlawful for any owner/operator to leave or allow a snowmobile to be left unattended on any Town highway or public place while motor is running or when the key is in/on snowmobile.
Section 5-3 Snowmobile operators must obey traffic signs/signals and obey regulations of vehicular traffic and orders by law enforcement authorized to regulate traffic.
Section 5-4 Operation on Town sidewalks is strictly prohibited at all times
LL #1 of 1977
Sec 3 -1 Operation on highway / street Snowmobiles are authorized to use: Andrews Rd, Prospect St, Reed St, Church St, Mitchell St, Lester St, Maple St, Mill St, Edson Ln, and Bloomer Rd.
Ride only on shoulder of road, conditions permitting
Sec 4-1 Hours of operation within Village prohibited 11pm -9am weekdays 1am –9am Sat/sun
Sec 4-4 riding on sidewalks is prohibitedSnowmobiles may use highways in the event of an emergency
Sec 4- -Speed limit in permitted areas is 10 miles per hour
Silver Creek
Snowmobiles are not permitted within the corporate limits of Silver Creek!!!
LL#1 of 1990
operation on village streets permitted except Rt 430, 76 and I 86
Sec 4 a hours of operation less 16yrs 8a-5p prohibited on streets
Sec 4 b 5p-1a less 18yrs prohibited on streets
Sec 4 c speed limit within Village 15 MPH
Sec 4 d two abreast on Roadway
Sec 4 e towing sled w/ o rigid tow bar
Sec 4 f fail to yield Right of way to pedestrians or vehicles
Sec 4 g hours prohibited 11pm – 8am weekdays 1am – 8am sat 1am – 12 noon Sun
Sec 4 I Operate on street w/ o Ins
Sec 4 J Operate on St other than Rt side shoulder
Sec 5 Operation on public Property other than streets or designated trail
Operation on any street except county or State Rd (430 / 394)
LL # 4 -1976 Sec 3 (d) – no operation any village street or hwy between hrs 12am -8am week days / Sat 1am -8am / Sun 1am -12 noon
LL # 1 -2007 Sec 4 – No operation on sidewalks in village
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